Can’t Leave Your Dog Home Alone?

There is hope!


Separation-related anxiety in dogs is one of the most challenging behavioral problems to live with and resolve.

Pet parents often feel trapped in their own homes or gripped with guilt knowing that their dog is suffering when they do venture out. Typical manifestations of separation-related problem behaviors include pacing, panting, excessive drooling, incessant barking and/or howling, property destruction at exit points, attempts to escape, elimination (in an otherwise housetrained dog), and self-mutilation. Millions of dogs worldwide are affected by it and if left untreated, it will worsen. 


Separation anxiety in dogs can be successfully treated

Because of the distinctive nature of separation anxiety training, I can work with dogs and owners from anywhere in the United States and globe via Zoom conferencing.

How It Works


Get help from a professional

As a certified separation anxiety trainer (CSAT), I can help your dog become comfortable at home alone so everyone can get back to the business of living and enjoying life.

Meet the Trainer

We’re in this together.

As your training partner, I am committed to supporting you throughout all the highs and lows of training as we work towards your training goals. You will not be alone in this journey!