How It Works

What is separation anxiety in dogs?

Separation-related anxiety is a phobia or intense fear of being left alone. A dog that suffers from it will experience extreme feelings of fear and panic when left alone. It is comparable to panic attacks in people and is equally debilitating.

When in the midst of extreme fear and anxiety, the resulting behaviors are unintentional and not the result of a dog being angry or spiteful. Instead, they are trying to make it stop. Without proper treatment, this condition will worsen and will not just go away on its own.

How is separation anxiety in dogs treated?

Training success lies in merging scientific research in desensitization with positive training. Gradually your dog gets exposed to small periods of stress-free alone time while little by little increasing the duration. Slowly, your dog becomes more comfortable with longer stretches of time until they are able to be home alone as needed stress-free.

Studies support that this is not only the most humane treatment option but the only one that offers lasting results. Although fairly straightforward, implementing a desensitization training plan can be challenging for owners on their own without the guidance of an experienced separation anxiety trainer.

During training, it is crucial that you do not leave your dog alone unless it’s part of that day’s training homework. If a dog experiences absences filled with anxiety and stress, it is unlikely they will recover. Many owners can find this to be a daunting prospect, but I am able to suggest several creative solutions to help you satisfy this temporary requirement.

Separation anxiety training isn’t a quick process and requires time, patience, and commitment to seeing a carefully crafted training plan to completion. My job is to make this process smooth and attainable.

Now, imagine coming home to a dog who has been comfortably napping all day instead of barking, howling, or destroying your home. A dog who experiences separation anxiety can overcome it and learn to relax at home alone comfortably.


A word about setbacks

Working with separation anxiety is a complex process. Dogs, like people, are sensitive to environmental and daily events, which can influence their training trajectory. As much as everyone (myself included) would love to have a linear path to success, it is unrealistic. The truth is that you should expect to experience training setbacks and plateaus. They are a natural part of the learning process and progression towards long-term success. No two dogs are the same and your dog’s separation anxiety training will be tailored distinctively to their needs every step of the way.

As your training partner, I am committed to supporting you throughout all the highs and lows of training as we work towards your training goals. You will not be alone in this journey!


How Training Works


Find out if this is right for
you and your dog

Complete a short Intake Client Questionnaire to book a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation. We will discuss your case and separation anxiety training.


Continue with an in-depth 60-minute online consult and assessment of your dog

We will further discuss your dog, review your goals, unpack your dog’s separation-related behaviors and what they mean. We will then complete an alone time assessment of your dog.


Customized treatment
and support

A customized training plan specific to your dog’s case is created. We will work closely as a team, and I will support you every step of the way.

Ready to breathe a sigh of relief?

You can start to look forward to once again being able to leave home without worrying about what surprises or state of stress your dog will be in when you return home. Get back to the business of living stress-free for both you and your dog.